Meddybemps Nature Notebook - Australian Birds
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Instead of the Robins, Blue Jays and Finches we see in the United States, children in eastern Australia are likely to see and feed these colorful birds.

These photographs were taken in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, in December, 2007. Click on the images below to see larger pictures.

Lorikeets 6 Red parrot 2 Lorikeets 5 Red Parrot 1 Lorikeets 4 Hurry Mum. I'm hungry. Lorikeets 3 My baby needs dinner Lorikeets 2 I have to make sure it's dead Lorikeets 1 Any food for me? Green Parrot 2 Adult and young Green Parrot 1 Kookaburra looking for food

Learning about animals, plants and other things found in Nature is interesting and fun. A great way to remember what you have seen is to make notes and drawings or take photographs and put them into a Nature Notebook.

You can easily make one. Click here for suggestions and some pages you can print to get started.

Copyright 2008 Jerry Jindrich. All rights reserved.